livres, TAG

TAG: mon rapport à la lecture – How I read

Voici un TAG de la très sympa Melle Cup Of Tea, qui a maintenant un blog dédié à ses lectures 🙂 Melle Cupoftea bouquine This is a very nice TAG from Melle Cup Of Tea, a French lifestyle blogger who now also has a bookish blog.  Quel est ton rythme de lecture ? - What's your reading rhythm? Effrené. Je… Lire la suite TAG: mon rapport à la lecture – How I read


Real Neat Blog Award

Ah! A TAG! It's been a while 🙂 This one was created by an awesome blog: Dear Kitty as in Anne Frank's diary's "Dear Kitty". Awesome, right? I just loved it. Very clever. Anyway, I am nominated, and I will also nominate some of you, so get readaayy! Ahah! Un TAG! Ca faisait longtemps… Lire la suite Real Neat Blog Award